This project took place in 2019 in an old steel factory in Esch/Alzette in the Grand Duchy of Luxemburg.
It is called Schmelz, what basicly means steel mill.
Spike & Stick are graffitiwriters from the nineties generation from Luxemburg, part of a same crew since 1995, we both like and paint alone or together in abandonned place.
So we decided to get together to realize this project in this huge industrial site.
We realized more than 60 paintings togheter and some alone.
The idee was to work and create with the space, we were using the architectural and geometrical structures of the surfaces we were painting on, to build our paintings.
The colors we used were black, white, red, blue and yellow, colors that you usually find in these industrials area.
The goal was to print a book out of it, the Schmelz book has been printed in 150 examplars and sold out.
We also had an opening for the launch of the book and an one shot exhibition in a part of the factory, where we were showing a few selected pictures printed in a larger scale and some painted works of ours done on matierials found on the spot.
The project has been also filmed and documented in a short video by Kim El Ouardi.